Create your logo in 11 easy steps

Your logo is an essential part of the visual identity of your brand or business. Ideally, it conveys what it's all about at first glance and helps it to be remembered. A well-designed logo has a high recognition value. With these 11 tips, you can easily create your own logo.

Step 1: The preparation for your logo design

Before you start creating your logo, you should think about a few things:

  • What is the goal of your logo?

  • What message do you want your logo to convey?

  • What colors and shapes suit your business?

It's worth doing some research around your industry. Look at your competitors' logos and make a list of logos that you find inspiring.

Step 2: The first logo sketches are created

Creating a logo ideally happens on paper first. Sketches are the first really creative step in the process. Take your time to capture different ideas on paper. At this point, it's not about perfection yet, but rather the fun of trying things out.

Try different shapes, fonts, color combinations, and styles. The more variations that emerge at this point, the better. From this wealth of sketches, you can later filter out only the best logo ideas and develop them further.

Step 3: Use the right shapes

The choice of shapes in your logo can have a significant impact on the perception and emotional associations of your brand. Each shape in your logo design has its own symbolic power, some of which is consciously and some of which is unconsciously absorbed by the viewer:

  • Circles: They represent harmony, completeness, and community.

  • Squares: They convey stability, security and reliability.

  • Triangles: They radiate dynamism, growth and progress.

Organic, curved lines have a softer and friendlier effect on the viewer, while straight lines and sharp edges bring an aura of strength and precision.

When creating your logo, consider these associations and think about what message and personality you're giving your brand as a result.

By cleverly combining different shapes, you'll create a logo that not only meets high aesthetic standards, but is also meaningful and effective.

Step 4: Refine the concept of your logo design

By choosing the right shapes and sketching for your company logo, you have a promising pre-selection. Now it's time to refine. Select two or three designs that you find particularly successful and work on them further. Use different colors, fonts and arrangements.

Make sure that the finished logo remains easily recognizable and legible in different sizes and on different media. It should be possible to integrate the logo into your corporate identity later on.

Step 5: Digitize and optimize your logo

Now it's time for the computer. With graphics programs or an appropriate logo generator you can convert your sketches into vector graphics. This format has the advantage that your logo can be scaled up or down without any loss of quality. Edit the subtleties of your logo until you are satisfied with the result of your logo. Look at it at different times of the day and from different perspectives. Also ask friends and colleagues for their opinion.

A logo generator can help you refine your logo design, and of course, it's also possible to use it to create your entire logo. With a logo generator, you can get inspired by the logo templates and customize the chosen logo to your needs with just a few clicks.

Step 6: Test your logo

A good logo looks good in color as well as in black and white. It looks just as good on a business card as it does on a large poster. So test your logo on different backgrounds and make sure it's always easy to read.

Step 7: Register your logo

When you have your final result and you are really satisfied with your new logo, you should register it. You can protect yourself from imitators and secure the exclusive right to use it. Find out if it is possible to register the logo as a trademark.

Step 8: Integrate your logo into your corporate identity

You integrate the finished logo into your corporate identity (CI). You've already made sure your colors, fonts, images, and design guidelines are in place. The logo should now run through all your communications, and that includes business cards, stationery, website, emails and social media profiles. Consistency of use increases recognition.

Step 9: Stay flexible with your logo

In the future, you may need to adjust your logo. Even big brands and companies revise their logo designs again and again, depending on which influences are strongest at the moment.

At some point, you may need to adapt your logo as well. Stay flexible and keep an eye on what's happening in your industry.

Step 10: Promote your logo

Your new logo is ready to be presented. Use different channels such as traditional advertising, press releases and social media posts. In the different channels, also tell the story of how you came up with your logo. You'll create an emotional connection with your audience and make your brand tangible.

Step 11: Measure your success

Your logo is a part of your marketing efforts and you should always measure them. See how your logo is perceived by your audience and if it has the desired effect. The best way to do this is through surveys, interactions on social media, and analysis of brand awareness and customer loyalty.

Logo design - the cornerstone of your successful business

Creating a logo is an exciting and creative process that requires both strategic thinking and design skills. From the initial idea to the final implementation and beyond, it's important to focus on your target audience and your brand's message.

If you follow these steps, there's nothing standing in your way of creating a distinctive and successful logo that will strengthen your brand and carry your business into the future.

Luckily, you don't need any design skills to create a professional logo these days - with a logo generator, you can create your own logo in no time, which you can then use as a company logo for your business or for a private project.