What are Google's Webmaster Tools?

Anyone who puts their own homepage on the Internet today almost can't get around the services of the Internet giant Google. Whether one "googles" for a certain term (the term "googling" has actually made it into the dictionary by now!), uses the route planner Google Maps, has a free email inbox at GMail, shares files online via Google Drive, analyzes the behavior of visitors to one's own homepage with Google Analytics or whether one simply wants to monitor one's own website for compliance with the guidelines with Google's Webmaster Tools, Google simply offers the right tool for everything.

In order to be able to find your own (free) homepage in Google's search results, it is not a must to create your own Webmaster Tools account, register your website with Google and confirm your site there, but it can be helpful. Alone the possibilities that Google offers here to analyze and monitor one's own homepage in order to achieve a better result in the search results are commendable. And Google also offers the whole thing for free!

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The advantages of Webmaster Tools

With the Webmaster Tools you can monitor and do some tasks around your own homepage.

  • How does my website perform in the Google search results?

  • Can Google access the contents of my homepage with its "crawlers" and include them in the search engine index?

  • Regular examination of your own homepage for self-inserted and suspicious code snippets and a corresponding message as soon as malicious code is found

  • Monitoring of compliance with webmaster guidelines, also with regard to SPAM

  • Manual possibility to notify the Google bot ("crawler") about new content on the page and if necessary even remove content from Google's search results pages (also from the so-called Google cache).

  • Which website links to my homepage?

  • With which search terms is my homepage displayed in the search results and which search terms bring me more visitors?

Are Google Webmaster Tools useful for every homepage?

Basically, you can say that it does not hurt at all to deal with the topic. Because only a good homepage has also accordingly visitors and who adheres to the guidelines for webmasters, which would certainly also like to be able to check the result of his efforts.

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a professional in website creation, webmaster tools is used by many website owners to keep their own homepage up to date and to be able to fix problems quickly.

Ready to start your own website?