How long does it take for my site to be found on Google?

Usually it can take up to three months until search engines like Google show your page in the search results. With the automatically generated sitemap, a list of all your existing pages, is already a big step in the right direction done, so that Google & Co your page faster in the search engine index packs.

But keep in mind that just the fact that your site is included in the search results after a while does not mean that your site will be found quickly and easily for certain search terms. For this there are still some things to consider.

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How many other sites already exist on the topic of your site?

Let's assume your site deals with everything important about credit, then you have a really heavy target group here and the competition is big. The keyword "credit" alone currently shows about 104,000,000 results in the search results on Google. So there are already millions of pages that deal with this topic and the chances of success for your homepage construction kit page, which should deal with the topic of credit, are incredibly low, not impossible but still very low that you will find yourself with your page somewhere on the first pages of the search results.

If your page is about a topic like "lactase tablets and lactose intolerance", then your chances are much better, because the search results show only about 42,000 results. This also increases the probability that your website will be found more easily and will find itself somewhere in a good position in the Google search results.

Do you have enough topic-relevant content on your site?

Often we receive requests "I can not find my page on Google", without giving us a hint, what exactly was searched for, to find the own, mostly free homepage. For example, if your site is about pets and you enter pets in the Google search, then of course there should be something about pets on your homepage.

It brings only conditionally something, if you treat on your web page the topic dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits or the like, but nowhere also only approximately the search word "pet" appears. Because search engines can only "read" what is on the pages of your homepage and if "pet" does not appear anywhere, then you will hardly be found with your page in the Google search with "pet".

You should also make sure that you provide the search engines with enough "reading material". With only one sentence on your web page Google will classify your page as relatively uninteresting and you will end up somewhere in the nothingness of the search results. A recommendation of the number of words on a single (sub)page is at least 300 words, although a maximum number should not be exceeded, so that your "real" website visitors do not have to scroll through the content of your page bored. Here, various online experiments show that the reader's intake limit is around 1000 - 1500 words, depending on how interesting a topic is designed.

Are the texts of your homepage unique?

The texts on your website should be unique and in no case already published on another site. On the one hand, it can have legal consequences for you if you copy texts from other pages and paste them on your page (keyword: copyright), on the other hand, Google can recognize such duplicate content quite well and determine from the publication date which text was there first and then classifies the second text as spam, which then also does not appear in the search results.

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