Create practice website for doctors: Here's how!

In today's world, it's important for a medical practice to have a presence not only offline, but also online. An appealing and informative practice website is the flagship of your practice and can be a great help both before and during the doctor's visit. In this article, you will learn how you can do just that, what topics belong on a doctor's homepage and what the professional regulations are for advertising in medicine.

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How can a practice website be helpful before a doctor's visit?

Before people find their way to your practice, they often search for information online. A well-designed practice website can help them get an idea of your practice and the services you offer in advance. Here are some items that can be helpful before people visit your doctor:

1. practice information: Make sure your contact information, address and hours are easy to find. This makes it easy for patients to contact you or visit the practice. If you have a specific practice name, it should also be on the website.

2. range of services: Provide information about the medical services, offerings and treatment specialties you offer. This way, patients can find out whether your practice is the right place to go for their concerns. If you specialize in particular diseases, you should make that clear, as well as prices for IGel services.

3. team introduction: show who is behind the practice and introduce your practice team. This creates a lot of sympathy. This includes you as a doctor, if there are several of you, of course all doctors and your team.

4. make an appointment online: offer the possibility to make a doctor's appointment directly via the practice website online with a booking tool. This saves time and conveys professionalism.

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To what extent can a practice website be useful during a doctor's visit?

A practice website can also be useful during a visit to your doctor's office by offering features such as:

1. waiting room info: Provide information on your practice homepage about the current waiting status in the practice. This makes it immediately clear how long the waiting time for treatment is.

2. digital anamnesis: offer the possibility to fill in the anamnesis online. This saves time and paper. Make sure this input option is accessible in an encrypted area of your physician website.

3. Health information: Provide helpful information on your practice website about various medical conditions, diagnoses and treatment approaches. This way, your visitors can get comprehensive information and better understand what to expect.

What content belongs on your medical practice's homepage?

A doctor's home page should include the following topics in addition to the information already mentioned:

1. news and events: Provide information about news from the practice, such as continuing education or events.

2. practice premises: Show pictures of your practice rooms (waiting room and treatment rooms) to give an impression of the atmosphere and furnishings.

3. reviews and testimonials: give patients the opportunity to share their experiences with your practice on your website. This creates transparency and trust.

4. Accessibility and parking: Provide information about the accessibility of your practice rooms for people with limited mobility, as well as parking options nearby. This makes it easier to plan a visit to your practice, and people who are in a special situation can also come to see you.

5. data protection and imprint: Make sure to provide a complete imprint and privacy policy. This conveys seriousness and protects you from legal problems. Your privacy policy should of course be DSGVO compliant. But don't worry: In our website builder this is already included, so you simply insert your personal content and as a doctor you are legally on the safe side. This section must also include information about where you got your doctor title and who the supervising authority is. Your professional insurance must also be stated in the imprint.

6. links to relevant professional societies and associations: Link to relevant professional societies and associations to highlight your professional expertise and networking.

7. FAQ section: Summarize frequently asked questions and answers to give your website visitors a quick overview of important information.

Start today with your own practice homepage

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What about professional regulations for advertising in medicine - keyword Heilmittelwerbegesetz?

When designing your practice website in Germany, you should always keep the German Drug Advertising Act (HWG) in mind. The law regulates the advertising of medicines, medical devices, procedures and treatments. Here are some important aspects you should consider:

1. truth and clarity: advertising in medicine, whether on the practice website or in other media, must be true and clear. Avoid misleading or false statements and do not promise effects of any treatment that are not scientifically proven.

2. advertising of medicines: note that prescription medicines may not be advertised to lay persons. Also, for over-the-counter medicines, medical practices are subject to strict regulations.

3 Comparative advertising: Comparison with other physicians or practices is generally permitted as long as it is objective, verifiable and not misleading.

4. Prohibited advertising: Avoid prohibited advertising measures such as disguising advertising intent, especially touting discounts or using testimonials that refer to healing successes.

5. compliance with professional regulations: make sure that your advertising complies with the professional regulations for physicians and does not contradict the principles of medical professional ethics.

Why our homepage construction kit is the ideal solution for your practice website

A website builder can be the perfect partner for creating your practice website. There are many reasons for this:

  • Ease of use: our homepage builder is designed to help you create engaging and professional websites without any programming knowledge at all. Intuitive drag-and-drop editors and a wide selection of ready-made design templates make the design process and creation a breeze.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Compared to hiring a web design agency or freelancer, our homepage builder is significantly less expensive. You can choose from different tariffs and surely find an offer that fits your budget.

  • Flexibility and individuality: With our homepage construction kit you are not bound to a rigid design. You have the possibility to customize and expand your website at any time. This way, you can optimally adapt your practice website to the needs of your patients and the specifics of your practice. Best of all, our design templates are responsive, so you'll be equally accessible to all platforms.

  • Fast implementation: Thanks to the easy handling of our homepage construction kit, your practice website is created and online in no time at all. This means that you can reap the benefits of your professional web presence more quickly.

  • Support and maintenance: In case of technical problems or questions, our customer support is at your disposal. We also take care of regular updates and maintenance of the platform, so you can fully concentrate on your practice.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Our homepage construction kit has integrated SEO tools that help you optimize your practice website for search engines like Google and Co. This way you will be found better and reach more people. You can thus make their choice of doctor much easier and provide them with advice and support more quickly.

Our website builder is an excellent solution for implementing a practice website that is not only visually appealing, but also functional and user-friendly. With low costs, high flexibility and fast implementation, it offers exactly what you need for a successful online presence.

Conclusion practice website

A well-designed practice website is indispensable for doctors today in order to provide patients with the best possible information and support before and during their visit to the doctor. When implementing your website, make sure it has an appealing and clear design that covers all relevant information and complies with the regulations of the German Drug Advertising Act. This way, nothing will stand in the way of your digital success and the achievement of your goals! Start today

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