Create insurance broker website yourself: Here's how!

Introduction to the homepage for insurance brokers

The concept of insurance has existed for centuries: people sign a contract to protect themselves against life's hazards. Today, the range of insurance policies is larger than ever, from liability insurance and homeowner's insurance to glass breakage insurance and wedding cancellation insurance. Some insurances belong to the must-haves whereas others are controversial and questionable.

In the long history of insurance, insurance brokers have of course always depended on their clientele: After all, they need customers who want to cover themselves! Nowadays, the Internet can be used particularly well for this purpose: People buy their household goods on Amazon, ask Dr. Google when they are sick, and meet their friends on Facebook, Twitter, and so on.

Since half of life now takes place online, insurance brokers and agents are well advised to create their own homepage and address this enormously large target group!

In this article, you'll learn how to do this, what to look out for, and which elements should be included in a homepage for insurance brokers.

For a quick insight into the topic, we have prepared a 30-second video for you, which we would like to recommend to you.

What belongs on a homepage?

illustration versicherungsmaklerin mit aktenkoffer neben vertrag


Let's start directly with the probably most underestimated component: The imprint is enormously important! It serves as a legal safeguard for website operators and without an imprint you run the risk of being warned with a commercial homepage. Therefore it deserves special attention and it is recommended to take care of it right at the beginning!

There are a handful of mandatory details that must not be missing from any imprint. Here you can see what these are for the insurance broker homepage.

Checklist: Key points of a meaningful imprint

  • Name of the site operator

  • Company name and legal form, if available

  • Address of the insurance office

  • Contact details for quick accessibility

  • Business identification number

  • Reference to the license as an insurance broker

  • Register and register number

However, this list does not claim to be complete! Please research again on your own in case of doubt. You can also use an imprint generator: These can be found free of charge on the Internet and make your work much easier!

INFO: An imprint is mandatory for commercial websites and insurance brokers should take care of it first.

Contact area

The contact area is also a basis of the insurance broker homepage and should therefore be dealt with at the beginning. So that contact can be made to the broker's office and broker team for the appointment arrangement, the most important contact data should be deposited on the broker homepage!

INFO: It is important to offer as many accessible contact channels as possible on the website to facilitate an appointment!

By providing many contact channels, you increase the chance to reach more customers. Also, make sure that you can actually be reached through these contact options!

Checklist: Contact channels you should embed on your broker homepage

  • Mail address

  • Phone number

  • Social media links

  • Fax (if available)

  • Address to the brokerage office

Services offered

Now we come to the core area of the homepage for insurance brokers: The services you offer as a broker! Of course, you want to convert interested parties into insured persons and convince them of your offers. Therefore, you should make a special effort with this subpage! Give therefore at best as extensive as possible insurance information!

Your Internet presence as an online business card should offer users as much information as possible!

Checklist: Services/policies of an insurance broker that belong on a broker homepage

  • Offered insurances / complete portfolio

  • All insurance rates

  • If applicable, division into private and commercial insurances

  • Consultation before the conclusion of an insurance policy

  • Support of existing customers

  • Risk analysis

  • Subsequent claims management

  • Services as a broker

These services and policies can serve as a guideline for what you might find on your broker homepage. Of course, your services may differ or even go beyond this!

Own philosophy

In order to appear more likeable to prospective customers and users, it makes sense to reveal what you personally associate with the profession of insurance broker and what excites you about it: Whether it's the fact that you protect people from damage or selling them a good feeling with an insurance policy at the same time!

TIP: You can also include a short summary of your professional career to support your insurance expertise!

So give the users an insight into your ideas and feelings about the profession of an insurance broker! You can also share interesting facts from your professional life and experiences that have moved you. For example, if you were able to save a client from a major loss through an insurance policy and experienced great gratitude as a result, you can describe this anonymously.

It is important to address the feelings of your users and to draw them emotionally to your side!

Questions that can give you food for thought

  • Why did I become an insurance broker?

  • What drives me?

  • Why am I still passionate about the profession?

  • What was my most memorable professional experience?

About Us Page

The About Us page goes in a similar direction: Here you introduce yourself and your broker team! It makes sense to include the full name and education of the respective team member. An appealing portrait rounds off the About Us page. You will learn more about photos on your own homepage later!

INFO: For direct and fast accessibility of each team member it makes sense to set up a separate e-mail address for each person and to store it on the About Us page!

With this About Us page you will appear friendly and likeable to users. You can use it as a digital introduction to your brokerage office!

Optional: Career

Lastly, an optional subpage that you can embed if needed: Career and Training Opportunities. So if there are or will be vacancies in your brokerage office or if you have a vacant apprenticeship position to offer, you should also spread this via your homepage!

INFO: Nowadays most of the job search is done via job portals and the internet!

For a larger and therefore also deeper pool of applicants we would like to recommend this subpage to you. If your team is complete and there are no vacancies, you can of course save yourself the trouble.

illustration versicherungsmakler erstellt eigene website

More tips for the design of a broker homepage

Plan structure of the page sensibly

It is important that you approach your Internet presence clearly. It's best to think about this before you start blindly creating pages: if you put a lot of work into a chaotic page, it will be even more time-consuming for you to turn the whole thing around and put it in order again. So it's better to do it right from the start.

Here I have created an example of how a homepage for insurance brokers can be structured. It might also be useful for you to start with a mindmap!

TIP: We recommend that each subpage should be accessible with a maximum of 4 clicks from the main page!

With this clear structure you kill two birds with one stone: If you want to change something later, you can find all content on your page quickly and without much searching. But also users can easily and quickly find all information about insurances and policies they are looking for on your homepage!

Use of appealing images

An essential component of your site is multimedia material such as videos or images. This section will focus on the latter.

Especially with dry topics such as insurance texts or descriptions of policies, it is important to relieve the eye with images. Imagine that you, as a layman, are presented with a ten-page continuous text with insurance terms without periods and commas: You would probably already switch off on page two! That's why it's important to lighten up texts with pictures and to use graphics!

INFO: A picture is worth a thousand words! To create sympathy and introduce things like your brokerage office or team, pictures are therefore essential.

Checklist: What you should consider with pictures on your broker homepage

  • A good exposure

  • Sensible motifs (e.g. avoid the image "fruit basket on conference table")

  • For pictures of team members: Pay attention to smiles!

  • Team members should wear a suit or costume

  • Avoid reflective surfaces

  • Avoid stock photos if possible!

Here you can see a successful picture of an insurance broker in his office. For more photo tips, of course, you can always research online!

Give a family impression

As an insurance broker, it is important for you to convey sympathy and present yourself as a good and trustworthy contractual partner or agent in order to convert prospective customers into policyholders. You can reach into your bag of tricks and make use of a few tricks. I have summarized some of them in the following list. In order to stand out from your competitors and to show on your website that you are the right contact for insurance questions, I recommend you to consider these points.

How you can leave a sympathetic impression as a broker

  • Use of warm colors

  • Present important information in a simple way, create transparency

  • Address site visitors directly

  • Be honest, don't hide anything (especially no hidden costs)

  • Offer useful extras like comparison calculators

Work with emotions

As a broker, you should know that besides insurance rates and policies, you are selling something else very important: security!

You should definitely take advantage of this! An insurance transaction is an emotionally charged matter, as customers are often driven by their fear.

INFO: Often, an insurance transaction is concluded for emotional reasons. Brokers can take advantage of this background knowledge!

So, semantically speaking, it makes sense for brokers to work with words from the word families "security" and "fear": These are important trigger words for customers.

An expert homepage in the insurance sector should take this knowledge into account and incorporate it into the wording on the website!

Simple and intuitive operability

This point has also been mentioned before: Every user should intuitively find what he is looking for! In order to stand out from the competition on your expert homepage, it must be well structured and, above all, easy to understand! We also have a useful tip for you.

TIP: To ensure intuitive usability, you should take the outside perspective or have your website tested before the third party!

You should slip out of your role as an insurance expert or financial service provider and browse through your homepage in an unbiased and naive way: Where would you look for the range of services without any background knowledge? Which aspects belong in the foreground and which are rather unimportant and less interesting? Where would you click if you wanted to get in touch? So you should ask yourself all these questions and answer them for yourself (on behalf of a naive user)!

illustration versicherungsmakler zeigt auf klemmbrett mit versicherungen

After the creation of the homepage for insurance brokers


Even after your insurance homepage is created, the work doesn't stop for you as a broker: You also have to make sure that your site is accessed and generates traffic. You can achieve this through good positions in search engine queries. The procedure of adapting the site for search engines is also called search engine optimization or SEO. The topic SEO has many aspects and facets and can hardly be broken down to a few sentences. You will find in this section many SEO tips on how to make your website more search engine friendly. In this list I have tried to break down simple and quickly implementable SEO tips for you!

Crash course: Simple and fast realizable SEO measures

  • Crop or compress images for fast loading time

  • Create added value with your site

  • Internal linking and external linking (backlinks)

  • Catchy domain name

  • Name image files

  • Enrich and optimize texts with keywords

Deposit reliable data

After your site has been optimized for search engines, you should also make sure that your web presence contains reliable data. This should be especially true for critical key data such as location or opening hours: Users always assume that this information is correct and rightly react angrily if they cannot rely on it. So if your brokerage office changes location or your opening hours change, you must not forget to change this data on your website as well!

Publish news

News also want to be published of course! Here I'm not talking about facts and figures such as opening hours, but rather interesting news that might interest users of your site!

INFO: With the extra "News" you have the possibility to publish news comfortably and in blogger style on your website. Outdated news can be deleted at any time!

To offer an added value and so that users see that you really make an effort and maintain your web business card, interesting extras should be included on the homepage. I have summarized some ideas for you here.

News you can publish on the insurance broker homepage

  • New team members

  • Vacancies

  • Change of conditions

  • Changes in the range of services: New products

  • Christmas/Easter greetings

  • Involvement in fundraising activities

  • Much more!

Offer recognition value

Lastly, it is important that your website is unique and can stand out from those of other brokers. You should be recognizable and stand out from the crowd: If your website stands out from the rest, subconsciously it directly creates the impression that your services must also stand out positively from those of others!

Being recognizable also plays a role in being remembered. Imagine a user who is researching insurance brokers: He should remember you a week later in the best case directly! Here I have summarized how you can offer uniqueness.

How do I stand out from the rest?

  • Use a logo

  • A catchy slogan

  • Catchy (but not cheesy, unattractive) color scheme.

  • Elaborate value proposition/value proposition

  • Creative texts

  • Don't stand out at any cost!

It is also very important that you do not change essential characteristics such as your color scheme or the design of your homepage: If users suddenly visit your completely changed website with a different slogan and different images, this will only cause confusion and confusion!

Conclusion about the homepage for insurance brokers

There is a lot of competition in the brokerage profession and you should therefore use all means to stand out from your competitors. A good measure for this is your own homepage. In the article I explained to you what you should put on a broker's homepage. This includes, for example, an imprint, a contact area, your services and an About Us page. Then I gave you some more tips to make your broker homepage even more successful. For example, you should pay attention to a good structure, create sympathy and work with emotions and images. Last but not least, I have dealt with aspects that should keep you busy after the creation of your site: for example, you should keep the data on your broker homepage up to date, post news if there is any and offer a certain recognition value for your site visitors. I hope that this guide will now help you to create the best possible insurance broker homepage. Have fun!

Ready to start your own website?